воскресенье, 12 декабря 2010 г.

upgrade minor version of OpenERP

For each minor version like this one, the procedure is simple because there is no change that requires a real migration.

1. Make a fresh backup of all existing databases, as well as a backup of the files of your OpenERP installation (server, web and addons), just in case.
2. Stop the OpenERP server as well as Web Server (if present).
3. Update the source files to the latest release, or simply install the new releases over the previous ones.
4. Start the server once with the following additional parameters, to trigger an update of all module data and views in the database based on the new source files:
openerp-server.py -d DB_NAME -u all
(include your usual startup parameters too, and replace DB_NAME with the name of the OpenERP database you wish to update)
5. Stop the server and repeat step 4 for each database on this OpenERP installation (any database not updated will use the latest business logic but might have errors or missing improvements in the views until you update it using this procedure)
6. Stop the server again and restart it normally.
7. Start again the Web Server if present.
8. You can now proceed with the update of the clients, which can be done separately by simply reinstalling the latest version.

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